The volume, variety, and velocity BigData made Cloud and computing frameworks such as Hadoop and Spark indispensible for fast and robust data analysis and management....

It is an interdisciplinary field with the goal of achieving a high-level understanding and exploitation of digital images and video, regardless of their context of origin.

With the advance in technology, it is now much cheaper to collect and store data which is one of the driving forces of data mining. Extracting valuable information from large collections of diverse raw data sources is the aim of data mining...

Many data analytics applications are related to people, therefore privacy and security need special attention...

The goal of data visualization is to give users insight to complex data using the visual sensation. Until recently research has been focused on improving traditional computer interaction techniques, but lack to address collaborative work and immediate analysis start without extensive tool training...

High-Performance Computing focuses on obtaining the best utilization of the hardware at hand for large and time-critical computing tasks...

Machine learning aims to imitate and even surpass human intelligence on complicated cognitive tasks, such as recognizing objects in a photograph or understanding the spoken language...

Optimization is about methods for handling decision problems. These methods involve mathematical formulations that take into account the performance criteria as well as the constraints about the problem...

Statistical methods enable analysis of data that are considered to be generated from random processes. That is why, statistical methods are found in almost every study related to data analytics...